The Head of BPOM (Indonesia’s Food and Drug Authority), Taruna Ikrar, at the launch of the Integrated Learning Application for the Processed Food Safety Management System (PINTer SMKPO), emphasized the importance of fulfilling access to safe and nutritious food as the responsibility of all elements in the food chain. In his speech, he conveyed that safe and nutritious food is crucial for preparing a brilliant future generation of the nation.
BPOM emphasizes its commitment to ensuring that business actors comply with food safety and quality standards by enforcing the Processed Food Safety Management System (SMKPO) in distribution facilities. This initiative aligns with BPOM Regulation Number 21 of 2021, which establishes the Food Safety and Quality Assurance System for Processed Food in Distribution Facilities as the foundation for the SMKPO program.
What is SMKPO?
SMKPO, or the Processed Food Safety Management Certification, ensures the safety and quality of processed food through risk-based independent supervision throughout the food distribution chain. In its implementation, this system emphasizes the importance of commitment from business actors to ensure food safety.
SMKPO was established as part of the mandate of Law No. 18 of 2012 concerning Food and Government Regulation No. 86 of 2019 concerning Food Safety. These regulations require business actors to meet food safety standards through the gradual implementation of food safety and quality assurance systems, according to the type of food and business scale.
In addition, BPOM develops the latest tools to improve the efficiency of field supervision by its officers.
Scope of SMKPO Implementation
Facilities that can implement SMKPO include various activities throughout the processed food distribution chain, such as receiving, storing, displaying, distributing, transporting, and distributing food.
The following are some examples of facilities included in the SMKPO scope:
- Modern retail: Minimarkets, supermarkets, hypermarkets.
- Traditional retail: Shops, stalls, kiosks.
- Other facilities: Importers, distributors, agents, wholesalers, and market managers.
With the implementation of SMKPO, it is hoped that the supervision of processed food can run more effectively and efficiently, as well as increase the awareness of business actors in maintaining food safety and quality.