The registration of new processed food in Indonesia requires supporting documents like the Health Certificate (HC) or Certificate of Free Sale (CFS). These documents verify food safety and quality while ensuring compliance with regulations.
Health Certificate
What is a Health Certificate?
A Health Certificate (HC) is an official document that an authorized body in the country of origin issues to confirm that a food product is safe for human consumption. In Indonesia, HC is one of the essential documents required for registering and importing processed food products, whether for direct consumption or as raw materials for industry.
The Role of the Health Certificate in Import Processes
In Indonesia, a Health Certificate ensures that imported food products meet the established safety and health standards. This document guarantees that the products are free from contamination, diseases, or other harmful substances.
Example of Health Certificate
Certificate of Free Sale
What is a Certificate of Free Sale?
A Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) is a document that states a specific food product has met the safety and quality standards in its country of origin and is allowed to be freely sold in the domestic market of that country.
The Role of the Certificate of Free Sale in Import Processes
- Guarantee of Suitability: CFS shows that the product has been tested for safety and complies with regulatory standards in the country of origin.
- Facilitating Export and Import Processes: Many importing countries, including Indonesia, require CFS as a mandatory condition for importing food products from abroad.
- Increased Consumer Trust: CFS enhances consumer confidence in imported products due to the official recognition by the authorities of the country of origin.
- CFS is also important for products that do not yet have a distribution permit in Indonesia, such as industrial raw materials. This document can be accompanied by distribution proof in Indonesia, such as purchase or order letters.
Example of Certificate of Free Sale
Requirements and Validity Period of HC and CFS Documents
Requirements and Validity Period of HC and CFS Documents
Issued by the Authorized Authority: HC and CFS must be issued by an official body in the country of origin. Declared Information:
- Issued by the authorized entity in the country of origin.
- States the name of the registered product.
- States the name and address of the company in the country of origin.
- The validity period follows what is stated on the Health Certificate or Certificate of Free Sale. If not stated on the Health Certificate or Certificate of Free Sale, the validity period is a maximum of 1 (one) year from the date of issuance.