The era of globalization has led to ease in and out of the goods including medical devices and household-health products. Rapidly growing technology of medical devices causes people frequently need either information for personal needs, company, or public facility. Product information, such as from E-SUKA, is also required in doing export-import of medical devices and household-health products to perform the registration process.
To meet the public’s information needs, the Directorate of Medical Devices and Household Health Products offers a streamlined certification service via the ESUKA platform. Available at, ESUKA (e-System for Medical Device and Health Product Certificates) simplifies and manages the certification process effectively. ESUKA aims to enhance efficiency by facilitating access to information through a well-managed certification service, ensuring that the process runs effectively and efficiently.
Type of Certificate
The Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, through its Directorate of Medical Devices and Household Health Products, issues various certificates, including E-SUKA-related documents:
- Certificate of Free Sale (CFS)
- Certificate of Exportation
- Health Certificate
- Special Access Scheme (SAS)
- Certificate of Sample Importation for Marketing Authorization
- Certificate of Importation of Raw Materials
- Certificate of Importation of Spare Parts
- Certificate of Product Information for Companies/Individuals
- Certificate of Importation (Customs)
- Certificate of Importation Authorization
- Certificate of Advertisement Approval
- Certificate of Promotional
- Certificate of Recommendation for Importation Approval
- Other Information Certificates
Cost of Certificate Service Process
The process of certificate service is divided into two stages: initial evaluation and final evaluation. After completion of the initial evaluation, the applicant will receive payment instruction of Nontax state revenue according to applicable regulations, as found on E-SUKA.
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