Cosmetics are one of the commodities that are widely traded online through social media or e-commerce. This condition provides a more dominant space for advertising as a means for business actors to convey product information to the public, so that published cosmetic advertisements must be in accordance with the information data in the notification. On the other hand, the very dynamic development of advertising demands the existence of rules that can be used as a reference for advertising in a healthy, objective, honest, correct, and responsible manner and comply with the ethics and norms that apply in society. Information on promotional materials/cosmetic advertisements in circulation must meet the criteria as stipulated in BPOM Regulation Number 32 of 2021 concerning Supervision of Cosmetic Advertising. The information contained in the Advertisement must meet the following criteria:
- Objective, provide information that aligns with the actual facts and must not deviate from the utility, method of use, and safety of the cosmetics.
- Not misleading, deliver information that is honest, accurate, and responsible, and does not exploit public fears.
- Must not imply as medicine, not stating as if it were a medicine or intended to prevent a disease.
General guidelines for cosmetic advertising information include:
- Must not contradict public morality and order
- Must not use flags, national symbols, and/or national anthems
- Must not depict national heroes and/or national monuments inappropriately
- Must not display any form of discrimination
- Must not denigrate other companies or products
- Must not xxploit eroticism or sexuality
- Must not support, justify, and/or tolerate acts of violence
- Must not exploit misfortune, suffering, and/or public anxiety
- Must not arouse or play on fear, or exploit public superstition
Peraturan BPOM No. 32 tahun 2021