Product Checks with BPOM 2D Barcodes

Have you heard of the BPOM barcode? Today, pharmaceutical and food products are required to include a BPOM barcode on their packaging as a means of monitoring products circulating in Indonesia. But what information can we get from the BPOM barcode? Let’s find out.

The public now has easier access to information about pharmaceuticals and food products, simply by using a mobile device. One of BPOM’s innovations is the implementation of a two-dimensional barcode, known as a 2D Barcode. This innovation ensures the safety and quality of products in circulation, especially amidst the rising cases of illegal products such as traditional medicine, health supplements, and cosmetics worth billions of rupiah.

The 2D Barcode is a breakthrough by BPOM aimed at protecting the public from unsafe pharmaceuticals, traditional medicine, health supplements, cosmetics, and processed foods. Additionally, it encourages consumers to be more independent and wise in selecting products.

This technology is also applied in other countries, such as the European Union, where QR Codes (referred to as “Safety Features”) are a prerequisite for product marketing. BPOM began developing this technology in 2018 to identify and investigate product legality while bridging the gap between BPOM and consumers in case of non-compliant products.


BPOM’s use of 2D Barcode is divided into two methods:

  1. Authentication: Mandatory for restricted drugs, narcotics, and psychotropics.
  2. Identification: Used for traditional medicine, quasi-drugs, health supplements, cosmetics, and processed foods.

The key difference between these methods lies in the information displayed when scanning the barcode using the BPOM Mobile app. The authentication method provides more comprehensive information compared to the identification method.

Business operators with distribution permits can request 2D Barcode issuance through the BPOM Track and Trace application. The barcode must be placed on the primary packaging to protect the product from leakage, impact, and contamination. For cosmetics, health supplements, and traditional medicine, the inclusion of the “BPOM RI” label on the barcode signifies its official status.

The 2D Barcode is a graphical element in a two-dimensional format, shaped as a square with a minimum size of 0.6 x 0.6 cm. It can be directly printed on the product’s label or packaging or applied as a sticker attached to the product. Specifically, for traditional medicine, quasi-drugs, health supplements, and cosmetics, if two 2D Barcodes are displayed on the packaging, the way to differentiate them is by checking for the text “BPOM RI” on the barcode issued by BPOM.

A BPOM barcode will display the following essential information:

  • NIE validity period
  • Product name
  • Distribution Permit Number (NIE)

INSIGHTOF offers comprehensive regulatory services to facilitate market entry in Indonesia, specializing in BPOM and Kemenkes product registration with expert guidance every step of the way.

For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at


Majalah POM Vol. 5 No. 2 2023

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