Cosmetic Notification Number

To ensure that cosmetics distributed within Indonesia meet the criteria, business operators must distribute cosmetics that have obtained a distribution permit in the form of a notification. Cosmetics that have been notified will receive a cosmetic notification number, which is indicated on the notification letter. This notification number signifies that the cosmetic product has met the quality, safety, and efficacy requirements set by BPOM. The cosmetic notification number is valid for a period of 3 (three) years.

The marking of the cosmetic notification number is done by placing the notification number on the approved cosmetic product. This marking is carried out on the label or packaging of the cosmetic product. The notification number consists of 2 letters and 11 digits, in the format NX12345678901, where:

  • X = A/B/C/D/E

Cosmetic Kit Notification Number

Notified cosmetic kits will receive a cosmetic kit notification number, which is indicated on the notification letter for combination/kit products. The cosmetic kit notification number consists of 4 letters and 9 digits, in the format NKIT123456789. 

  1. Cosmetics in Primary Packaging:
  • Consisting of more than 1 (one) cosmetic with the same or different categories and having more than 1 (one) notification number.
  • Consisting of more than 1 (one) cosmetic with different categories where each cosmetic has its own notification number.

For primary packaging cosmetic kits, the following must be included:

  • Cosmetic kit notification number
  • Image and/or description explaining the position of each cosmetic in the kit.
  1. Cosmetics in Secondary Packaging
    • Consisting of more than 1 (one) cosmetic with the same or different categories and having more than 1 (one) notification number.

For secondary packaging, the cosmetic kit notification number must be included.


PerBPOM No.30 Tahun 2020

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