
Author: Insightof


SNI for Processed Foods

The Indonesian National Standard (SNI) is a set of standards applicable nationwide in Indonesia, formulated with the goal of ensuring safety, security, environmental preservation, trade


Food Additives (BTP) Usage and Regulations

What are Food Additives (BTP)? Food Additives (Bahan Tambahan Pangan or BTP) are substances added to food to influence its properties or appearance. These additives

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인도네시아 화장품 라벨링 규정. 자주 묻는 질문

안녕하세요. 인싸이롭(INSIGHTOF) 컨설팅의 박단열입니다. 2016년부터 370개 이상의 한국 의료기기에 대한 인허가와 화장품 BPOM 인증을 진행해 왔습니다. 인도네시아 규정에 부합하는 제품은 반드시 등록 완료해 드립니다. 인도네시아로


OSS Standard Certificate

Since the enactment of the Job Creation Law (Law No. 11 of 2020 and Law No. 6 of 2023), the business licensing system in Indonesia


Product Checks with BPOM 2D Barcodes

Have you heard of the BPOM barcode? Today, pharmaceutical and food products are required to include a BPOM barcode on their packaging as a means


Guidelines for Cosmetic Labeling

Since 2011, Indonesia has adopted a cosmetic notification system as a commitment to harmonizing regulations within ASEAN. As a consequence of this notification mechanism, the


BPOM vs SPP-IRT for Food Distribution Licenses

Indonesia has stringent regulations governing the distribution of food products to ensure the safety and quality of food consumed by its population. Two primary licenses,

Blog (KR)

인도네시아 의료기기 인증에서 LOD가 뭔가요? (LOD? LOA? COA?)

안녕하세요. 인싸이롭(INSIGHTOF) 컨설팅의 박단열입니다. 2016년부터 370개 이상의 한국 의료기기에 대한 인허가와 화장품 BPOM 인증을 진행해 왔습니다. 인도네시아 규정에 부합하는 제품은 반드시 등록 완료해 드립니다. 인도네시아에